Simple and intuitive
DZP Compliance tool for
sending and handling
whistleblowing reports

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Obligation regarding whistleblowers applies to:

Public authorities

Certain entities in:
financial services and markets, AML/CFT, transport
and the environment

Private entities
with 50 persons or more

Who is a whistleblower?

Whistleblowers are individuals who report irregularities and abuses within an organisation. They are usually employees who are a key source of information about existing or potential problems.

What obligations do employers have in connection with whistleblower protection?

Private entities will soon be, and public entities are already, required to have internal solutions (whistleblowing systems) for reporting irregularities safely, confidentially or anonymously. Not only must safe whistleblowing channels be established, but also employees must be effectively made aware of how they work. Moreover, whistleblowing must be handled by an appropriate, independent and competent entity within the organisation and in accordance with legal regulations. The whistleblower should receive feedback within set time limits and the employer must take follow-up measures (investigative and remedial) and keep a record of reports.

Whistleblowing tool supporting employers

A whistleblowing system is, however, not only a legal obligation. If structured and promoted correctly, it can have a very positive impact on the quality of reports, and thus the safety of the organisation and management. Such system can also improve organisational culture. The platform ensures data security and confidentiality, but also facilitates the examination of reports.

Benefits of implementing the NOTIFY whistleblowing platform

A tool designed by practitioners

DZP's Compliance team developed the platform with the support of trusted technology partner - Microsoft

Meeting all legal requirements

guarantee of adaptation to changing regulatory requirements including the Polish Act on the Protection of Persons Reporting Breaches of Law and the GDPR

Maximum security

using the proven cloud environment and Microsoft Azure security

Optimum arrangement of the handling process

a tool for managing reports within the organisation, not just for receiving reports

Legal Design methodology

possibility of ordering procedures created in simple language and graphic form and organising comprehensive training courses

Proof of due care

you can limit your liability by implementing a system that allows irregularities to be reported effectively

DZP Compliance Team

  • Bogusław Kapłon

    Labour Law Partner of DZP

    “The forthcoming Whistleblowers Protection Act will set a new legal compliance standard for businesses and governmental authorities.”

    “The task facing employers due to the expected implementation of the Whistleblower Directive is not just establishing the right procedures and communication channels. It is equally important to prepare the organisation for its compliance with the law being constantly under internal scrutiny.”

  • Marek Laskowski

    IT Director of DZP

    “In August 2021, Microsoft repelled the largest DDoS attack in history with a total of 2.4 terabits per second.”

    “No company would be able to cope with an attack on this scale. Microsoft technology guarantees us the highest level of application security. That is why we are using security mechanisms, including the encryption contained in the Azure Security Center service.”

  • Sylwester Silski

    Whistleblowing Expert of DZP

    “Professional handling of reports is one of the foundations of a strong organisational culture.”

    “Implementing effective tools to handle reports is more than just fulfilling another legal obligation. Reliable handling of employee reports helps to build mutual trust between the employer and the staff. On the other hand, inappropriate management of whistleblowing cases can result in a loss of employee trust. Therefore, confidentiality of reports should be the prime directive when implementing any whistleblowing system.”

NOTIFY is created by DZP Compliance experts who...

…together with UNGC Network Poland organised a series of dialogue sessions on “Whistleblowing – good practices for ethical business” culminating in the preparation of a regulatory report.

… share their knowledge on their blog, during numerous webinars, training courses and conferences. They have been instrumental in shaping the public discussion on whistleblowers for years.

Our services

The NOTIFY platform is not just an IT solution

Notify platform

  • System

    We analyse your existing system to understand your needs and identify any deficiencies.
  • Simple

    We create procedures that are simple, transparent and ensure compliance with the law and best market practices.
  • Quick

    We offer express platform implementation. If necessary, we can adapt it to your needs.
  • Regular

    We run training courses (classical, online, recorded) for management staff and system operators.


  • Receiving

    As part of the outsourcing, we provide, e.g. initial legal recommendations and monthly reporting.
  • Investigative

    In the case of serious irregularities, we can help you carry out investigations at a preferential rate.

Functionalities – what does our tool offer?

  • A well thought out form that is easy for whistleblowers to fill in

  • Possibility of filtering the report records

  • Anonymity and confidential communication

  • Easy cooperation among many people

  • Option for a detailed history to be followed

  • Generating reports

Did you know that you can outsource the handling of reports to us?

Benefit from the experience of lawyers who have been dealing with whistleblowing for years.

Rapid response and relieving
the burden on internal departments

Minimise the risk of
reputational damage and
the personal liability of management

Appropriate protection
for whistleblowers

Professional, expert analysis
of each report

Recommendations regarding
investigations and remedial measures

Legal professional
privilege obligation

Our partners

Contact us!